Publishing Thoughts
A couple of people have asked me lately about why I publish individual stories, and then later publish a compilation of the same stories. The answer is simple really. I like to publish a story as soon as I’ve finished and edited it to get it out to my fans. But I also want to provide fans with a good deal. So once I have several stories available I will compile them into a new book and publish at a saving over buying the individual stories. It’s up to you if you want to wait for that to happen or just begin reading them as soon as they are released.
Some people prefer to read shorter stories for a quick read instead of a whole book. Some readers prefer to be able to hold and read an actual paperback as well and publishing shorts stories as a paper back only makes sense when it reaches a certain page count. So I will add a few of my stories together in order to make sure all audiences can enjoy them no matter which way they prefer to read them.